Thursday, October 27, 2005

the blog about nothing

From the day I started this site I figured that I would just post about whatever I happened to be thinking about at the time. Sometimes, this means I type a heartfelt monologue on the conundrums facing mankind. Much more often it means I write about toilet paper, disfigured appendages, or mismatched socks. The more I post the more I realize that my site is about the closest I can get to a blog about nothing.

For example, I find a spider in the shower. That's a post! I run into traffic on the way to work. That's a post! I get into a discussion about bathroom habits while I am at work. That's a post! I decide I have nothing to write about, but want to write about it anyway. That's today's post!

Part of my mind tells me that I have to write about something, then another fires back, "No, this site is about nothing!" Eventually that becomes a post too. Usually it becomes one of those long posts that only Forrest comments on, and that we debate for the next four days.

What doesn't become a post? So far I haven't set any quality control standards on my posts. That's why this one got through.


f o r r e s t said...

That's a horrible idea, you should post about something. :)

but nothing is something.

wouldn't that make a great sit-com. A show about nothing. It would probably never work. who would want to watch a show about nothing and who would want to read a blog about nothing?

T said...

IT made me laugh! If nothing else, IT's always good for a chuckle! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

Dust, your comment was truly nothing--blank.

Maybe you should cite Seinfeld as a reference. We don't want any copyright violations.

Anonymous said...

You could always shinny up a tree after a frightened, incontinent cat. Not necessarily meaningful, but it is rich with material.

Stephanie said...

The Seinfeld of blogging. How fun!