Monday, September 19, 2005

did something die in here?

Last week at work I was visiting the loo, as the British call it, when I noticed a funky smell. This was nothing new in a bathroom, and it stuck out anyway. I could tell that someone had visited the facilities recently, though that person was no longer in the bathroom. I held my breath, sped up the process a little, and then left the bathroom.

On the way out I ran into a coworker and said hi. As he closed the door behind him I remembered the smell and that the evidence pointed to the likelihood that I had left it. I sat in my cube for the next five minutes slightly embarrassed about the turn of events. At the very first possibility I tracked him down and pointed out that I was not the originator of the offending smell.

This got me thinking. Why would I care? It isn't like anyone is able to never create a smell in the bathroom. It is just that this is something I would prefer others not to tack onto their knowledge about me. As an example, the things I know about Dust:
  • Dark hair
  • Kind of geeky
  • Uptight personality
  • Don't want to walk into the bathroom after him

I wish to keep at least the last item off that list.


T said...

I can understand why you don't want that one on the list. I hope it wasn't the guy who came in after you...making a return visit! That might be awkward!

Are you sure that's the list that people form in their "dust file"?

Dash said...

C-Man and I had a similar experience this weekend.

As we were walking up to the bathrooms together, we both noticed a rather horrid smell on the air. C was somehow convinced that I was responsible, and proceded to tell em how terrible it was, held his nose, etc.

I took the oportunity to point out the R.V. that was utilizing the "dump station" to empty it's toilet system. I explained how the process works and how much beter it was to empty it this way instead of dumping right onto the ground while camping (or worse - driving).

His response: yeah, right was you.... I'm still not sure that I convinced him.

T said...

Yeah, I read this and thought of that moment! I am not sure he was convinced either! Dash tried again when they got back to the camp and he just looked like he was pretty sure a "tall tale" was being given to him!

f o r r e s t said...

Dash, I'm not buying it either.

Dust, you did the right thing by pointing it out, because that list is true. Once you get put on that do not go into the bathroom after list you are doomed. We pass that info on. If only you would have pointed that out before he walked in.

GoldenSunrise said...

I agree with t-bop. I think it would be more believable telling him later. Knowing that you went through the process of realizing that he would have thought it was you.

f o r r e s t said...

If you say it the right way and maybe point out that one fellow who has the reputation was in here before you and wave your hand in front of your nose, you can pull it off.

Now dust is going to be known as that one fellow.

f o r r e s t said...

Nice pic, btw!