Saturday, July 09, 2005

reach out and link to someone

When I started my blog it was essentially to keep up with Forrest, Dash, and Dar who had created blogs of their own already (thus the name). None of the girls had started theirs yet.

Once Golden started the girls off with her blog the list of people with blogs continually grew, as did a new problem. Do I link to just the guys? Are we going to keep the worlds separate?

After three months, I feel pretty comfortable in assuming that instead of having a smaller guys' world and girls' world that this is one larger combined world. This has been more or less confirmed by the fact that Dash has included everyone on his links. As such, I don't see any reason not to link to the sites where I comment regularly. I have updated Golden's links as well.

At the very least this should make it easier for me to keep my site open and just click down the list of blogs to be sure I am up to date on the posts. At the very least.


Jadee said...

And you put them in alpha order...ahhh...a mind after my own heart! LOL!

roamingwriter said...

I have noticed that the guys seemed to link to one another and their own significant other and vice versa with the girls. It was sort of a funny accident. Then Dash with his mathmatical list, now you with alphabetical list. I feel pressured to change mine. That will have to come when I have more brain power...someday. What order could I put them in to be different? Hmm....

Jadee said...

Roaming..maybe Birth order? LOL!