Monday, June 20, 2005

weekend update

There was a cute woman from KC
With family so yonder it's crazy
She hopped in the car
And went really far
And brought her husband along though he's lazy

The entertainment that night was bloody
It was a movie starring the actor Brody
Mrs Dust cried a tear
With her distracted hubby near
But cry he would not cause he's moody

The next day they all piled in a boat
They were thankful to find it did float
They fished through the day
And caught a couple strays
But did not keep any fish in tote

Now the weekend is all but gone
But the memory and smells live on
I'll wash till I'm red
Before and after bed
But the fish and I have a bond


windarkwingod said...

Your poem about life is great
Also included your mate
As you went fishin
after bloody movie vision
for the next one I sure want to wait

Dash said...

I wonder what you could do
If life had give to you
A story instead of immenent dread
That figures into rhyming verse.

One possible topic that yet might
Give rise to your poetic flight
Is that story with leggs
Of Ham and Green Eggs
As told by the narrator,Sam.

windarkwingod said...


Dash said...

weekend update???? where's Jimmy Fallon - or Tina Feye? .... Dan Ackroyd even ...

roamingwriter said...
