Saturday, June 11, 2005

oops, i did it again

I don't know why, but I can barely go a meal without spilling something on myself. Because some of us at work had to pick up some extra responsibilities from the San Francisco office on Thursday, we were treated to Chipotle. Just about everyone in the office is addicted to Chipotle, so it was nice to get a fix that day. In the middle of eating my steak fajita I noticed a warm liquid dripping in my hand and, before I could stop it, onto my white shirt.

I don't care much if the shirt is destroyed, since I have had it five years and I think I oringinally paid $8 for it. It has served its purpose. What I do care about is that I have to walk around for the rest of the day with a fajita juice spot on the front of my shirt.

My strategy was to announce what I had done immediately so that I wouldn't have to deal with eight different people asking, "what did you do?" when they saw my shirt. My second plan of action was to suavely (yeah right) hide the stain from view when traveling to the bathroom. I have to admit that I got through the day without too many problems with the blemished shirt, though. I didn't even run into a suit in the elevator.


Anonymous said...

I remember our team shirts for Bible quiz your senior year. We used red paint to put fake stains on our teams shirts. It was in honor of our seeming habit for at least one of us to spill something at lunch the day of a quiz. Remember? Usually it was spaghetti sauce!

shakedust said...

Yep. That was in the back of my mind when I typed this. It is amazing how many instances of messiness I can point to from my past and present.

windarkwingod said...

One time I went for a job interview in my suit, and before going in to the interview I used the bathroom just down the hall. When it came time to wash my hands, the water pressure was really funky, and basically just fire-hosed me in the below the belt area. They must have thought I was really nervous....

T said...

And i thought I was the only one who had to be creative on covering up those pesky blunders! It never fails that it's mexican. I don't know if that's because my mexican intake is so much higher than other foods or if I really am sloppier while eating it?