Sunday, June 26, 2005

potayto, potahto

This is one of those posts that you'll have had to have read my previous posts to understand.

I had one of those experiences in Sunday School today where I started to talk about something then realized that I would have to explain a lot of foundational information for most anyone to understand what I was saying. I ignored that because I didn't want to hog much class time, said what I wanted to say anyway, and let everyone think I was a confusing person.

This afternoon, after discussing this with Mrs Dust, I concluded that I am often a literalist (not the same as a realist), but moreso I am unwilling to stay on the surface level of a topic if I am truly involved in a discussion about it. I will often regale Mrs Dust with detailed (and typically irrelevant) information about a topic that we are discussing because I view conversation as a time to solve issues or learn rather than relay feelings. I'm working on that.

Anyway, I have a short song that I think illustrates this quite well. I hope Louis Armstrong won't mind the edits.

You say either and I say either
You say neither and I say neither
Either, either
Neither, neither
Let's call the whole thing off

You like potato and I like an edible tuber native to South America
You like tomato and I like a widely cultivated South American plant having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit
Potato, an edible tuber native to South America
Tomato, a widely cultivated South American plant having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit
Let's call the whole thing off

But oh, if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh, if we ever part
Then that might break my chambered muscular organ that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries


f o r r e s t said...

I can usually follow you in class. And I like the ability you have to bring up a point from leftfield that I hadn't thought of but rings very true.

You would make a good goalie - you don't let anything slip by. I notice sometimes you'll get caught on a particular wordchoice and dig deeper when the general idea on the surface level is correct-generally. :)

T said...

Potato. I digress to others when more is needed than that!:)

windarkwingod said...

Those lyrics made me feel warm and fuzzy except for the scientific parts. Are you in disagreement with someone over various issues such as word pronunciation? That would make me feel bad.

roamingwriter said...

I like the new version of that song -- hadn't heard that one. I often have moments of feeling I've shared too much in Sunday School. Now I guess I'll try to learn to say too much in another language.