Friday, September 21, 2007

you don't know that?

I am watching the game show 1 vs 100 right now. The game is structured so that one person is asked a series of questions as are a group of one hundred people in the audience. If the person outlasts everyone in this "mob" in the audience he or she gets one million dollars. If they miss a question, the people in the mob who have not yet missed a question split a pot of money.

When I watch a game show I frequently ask how people do not know some bit of information. For example, I thought that everyone knew that in Paul Revere's Ride two lamps meant that the British were coming by sea. Golden thought everyone knew that a white sale was for linens. We both got one of these two "easy" questions wrong.

It is always interesting to hear what people think is information that everyone should know. I have been surprised in the past when intelligent people I knew didn't know information I thought was common. I also know that many times people have reacted the same way to me.

Sometimes it is a little difficult to acknowledge that I don't know something that everyone else does because it might betray that I am not the vault of useless knowledge that I like to be. When it comes to the stuff that a person wants to take pride in knowing I think just about everyone is that way. One person may not feel stupid not knowing who the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation was, but that same person might be embarrassed not to know something about cars, or fashion, or something else. I just have to avoid expecting to know it all.


Achtung BB said...

Two lamps by sea, that's common knowledge

T said...

dash and I still find moments where we're shocked that the other person didn't know something that we can't remember not knowing, but it still happens.

I assumed that everyone had heard about and knew about mail-in prescriptions. Where you mail in your prescription and get 3 months supply for a lesser copay. I talked to two people yesterday (one a pharmacist) who said they had not heard of such a program. I found out with further research that it's a program offered by insurance companies not pharmacies--so that may be why he wasn't familiar with it?