Friday, March 02, 2007

sleep in

Most people who know me well know I like to sleep in on Saturday. For years, part of the way I have gotten through the week is due to the knowledge that I can sleep in on Saturday.

I don't know if this is due to nature or just because I have gotten used to it, but if I have to get up early on a Saturday I feel it throughout the week. I'm not my normal outgoing self (insert snicker here).

I am very fortunate that Golden puts up with me in this regard. She has allowed it as a sort of splurge for me every week. Even after NJ was born she let me sleep in.

For the last couple of weeks I have had class on Saturday so I haven't slept in as late. I know, almost everyone gets up as early as I did every Saturday, but I have felt like I have been trudging through life for the last couple of weeks. Tomorrow, Golden is letting me sleep in again. I can't wait.


T said...

I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow too. I am trying to teach my kids the wonder of sleeping in on Saturday. Cman still thinks if it's past 8 he's slept in, I wonder if he'll feel that way when he's 20?

roamingwriter said...

I just got up from sleeping. The beauty of life right now is Church doesn't start until 11:30 so I get to do it twice on the weekend!