Friday, February 17, 2006

where's the point

I deeply believe that God has a sense of humor and that it is very ironic. I believe this for multiple reasons. First, He invented humor and irony, so why wouldn't those aspects describe him? Second, if God were only serious it would make Him seem very one-dimensional in nature. Finally, there are few teaching methods more effective than irony. I wish to address this final reason.

One time when I was in high school something was really bothering me. I don't remember now what it was, but was probably something of very minor significance. I didn't know what God's position on the issue was, so I did the rational thing: I closed my eyes opened the Bible and pointed to a passage hoping that God would point me to the answer. Okay, so that wasn't the rational thing to do. When I opened my eyes I was pointing at Micah 3:6-7 which reads as follows in the NIV.
"Therefore night will come over you, without visions, and darkness, without divination. The sun will set for the prophets, and the day will go dark for them. The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced. They will all cover their faces because there is no answer from God."
After I read that I closed my Bible sheepishly and stopped pushing God for an answer. I believe to this day that God was using irony to drive a point home to me. I often have to remind myself when I push God for an answer to something that He is not some crystal ball that I can use to answer the questions that I care about, but that He will bring me to the point to understand what He wants me to understand.


GoldenSunrise said...

I have tried the open the bible and point to a verse thing before. I had hoped that it would be some divine message from God that would change my life forever.

It is hard being patient.

Dash said...

The only 2 things worse than petitioning God via that pin the tail on the donkey (PTTOTD) method are:

Using a really lousy concordance to look up something during a heated diccussion - only to find that you are limited to obscure verses from Leviticus that will be shot down as "In the Old Law".

Using the PTTOTD method to answer someone else questions.