Friday, February 10, 2006

ice ice under pressure

duhh duh duhh duh duh duhh duhhh
duhh duh duhh duh duh duhh duhhh

When you hear the familiar bassline do you first think of Ice, Ice Baby or Under Pressure? If you think of Under Pressure do you think of the Queen rendition or the cover by My Chemical Romance?

I have a theory that there are few measures that are more telling about what age a person is than which song a person starts singing when they hear that bassline. For as sheltered as I was growing up, I still recognize it as Vanilla Ice's theme. If Golden or myself hear the bassline for any reason (even if it is for the song Under Pressure) we will start singing "Ice ice baby too cold too cold." I have noticed that people just a little older than myself tend to think more about Queen. I have to assume that someone much younger will only easily remember the recent cover by My Chemical Romance that has gotten a lot of radio playing time.

So which song do you think about and how does that correlate to your age?


T said...

Ice Ice Baby. But I don't know the others. My radio listening days were limited to 80's (older sisters who listened) some very limited songs from High School friends, and then the one or two over played songs from the early 90's! Ice Ice baby...over played 90's song! But you'll still see me singing along :)! I guess I don't fit the age theory...since I'm "a little older" huh? :) :) :)

shakedust said...

I guess not :D

f o r r e s t said...

dang, I had a nice long comment but when I submitted it something was messed up with blogger at the time and I lost it.

Dash said...

I never knew any of the words after ice - ice bab......

that's how long it took me to change the station.

Queen who??

I see a little silhouetto of a man ...