Monday, July 16, 2007

summer trip: day six

Miles so far: 1441

So much has happened since last post. Normally, I might dwell on that, but due to complications with my laptop's ability to plug into an Internet connection, I am outside mooching off someone else's wireless connection. Needless to say, I am short on battery power. No taking time to upload pictures for this post, either.

The main reason that Golden and I planned this trip when we did was to go to her cousin's wedding. On the way there we determined that taking NJ into the main service was a bad idea, so I entertained him in the church lobby while the wedding occurred. In this weird turn of events, I met the bride for the first time and had a short conversation right before she walked down the aisle. I'm never sure what to say in those instances.

Last post I complained a little about it not really being a vacation. Actually, Golden's aunt and uncle have done everything in their power to make things comfortable for everyone. Dash would be interested to know that I am now practiced up on ladder golf, which is a game where two golf balls that are tethered together are hurled at a plastic structure containing rungs. Golden's aunt and uncle hosted several rounds of that game.

NJ does not have a fever any more, but he has what looks like a full-blown case of chicken pox. He got vaccinated for it last week, and everything we can find on the vaccine says that the reactions don't occur in most kids, and when they do they are minor. I'd like to see the stats on that, though, because we can't be the only case.

On the way across Ohio to see my sister I took a few back roads to save time and money, thus skipping most of the Ohio turnpike, but hitting every traffic light in every small town along that stretch. I don't recommend that strategy to anyone else.

The last two nights NJ has been horrible come bedtime and has ended up in our bed. We have a policy that he never sleeps in our bed, so you know it had to be bad. Tonight he seems better, and I think that is mostly due to a stabilizing schedule.

I met the guy that my sister has been seeing for the first time yesterday. We talked a lot of history and politics. I think we both enjoyed that.

Today, we went to a state park in the area for a few minutes before deciding that miniature golf would be the most entertaining thing to do. My mom watched NJ while we played. I didn't do so well, but that mattered much less than the fact that we got to do something entertaining without having to worry about NJ.

Tomorrow. we leave for Scranton. To the question from an earlier post, yes, this is the Scranton from The Office. Unfortunately, the show is not filmed in the city, so there is not much to see from the show in Scranton. I'll be visiting my grandmother, though, so I'll have more important things to worry about.


Portland wawa said...

Oh, I am so sorry about NJ, the chickenpox!! Woogy got a really bad fever after his shot, but no pox. This is as bad as our vacation last summer where Nibbles had a fever of 104 degrees for 7 days straight.
I can't believe NJ is doing so well with all of the people, overstimulation, all of the driving, and being sick on top of it.

Achtung BB said...

Sounds like a typical vacation for us.

T said...

Poor NJ. I think that the pox is worse on the parents at this stage. He just knows he's uncomfortable. You are the one trying oatmeal baths and lotions and anything else to help. Are you on schedule? Do you think we'll still get to see you Saturday or Sunday? I'm so glad that Golden gets to be home when you get back, so she can vacate from your vacation! :) Sorry you won't get that same luxury. :(

Dash said...

I'm a bit envious that you got to play ladder (a.k.a Hillbilly) golf and will be searching the web for some plans to make my own set.

f o r r e s t said...

Keep on keepin' on!

Dash if you are reading this, you might want to jump in on some of the HP theories going on at my post.