Tuesday, September 09, 2008

that's rich

While I was with extended family this past weekend a few people mentioned in passing that I make a lot of money, and those comments got back to me. I am not sure where they got this idea. It isn't the first time that someone has made this assumption, though, so I must be putting off some vibe of which I am unaware. Maybe the spoiler on my Taurus is giving the wrong impression.

The only people who know my current salary are the people who have a legitimate reason to know my salary, so it is not like the people who think I have money have direct evidence to link me to said money. Without providing specifics, Golden and I are not poor but we are nowhere near rich by most American standards.

It is a bit weird for people to think you are loaded when you aren't. Most of my life I have been quite the opposite of rich, so the thought that someone might conclude that I have money seems absurd. Since most of my family on that side works in traditional ministry, I guess it is an easy assumption that someone who works in technology is loaded. It is a flawed assumption, though. Most of the IT workers I know are solidly middle class, though there are certainly exceptions. Being a single-income family keeps us a step or two out of Bill Gates' and Warren Buffett's league.

There are so many people who want others to think they are richer than they are, but I think I would prefer the opposite. Few of the benefits of people thinking I have money appeal to me. I actually prefer a relatively simple life. The only real advantage to me is that it keeps people from thinking that I am incapable of supporting my family. Apart from that motivation, I would prefer people think I have or make less than I really do.

One thing about which I have some pride is the ability to properly manage what I have. If someone thinks I have a large income but still must exert some effort to make ends meet, the easiest conclusion is that I don't know how to manage my money. I would prefer for people to be amazed that I could make due on a shoestring budget even if I am not actually operating on a shoestring budget.

A few questions always enter my mind when someone thinks I have money. What do they know that I don't? Where can I get that obviously beneficial bit of information?


Portland wawa said...

Knowing what my brother-in-law makes as a computer engineer, I can see why some people would assume you make alot of money in your field.

Achtung BB said...

Yeah, the spoiler on the Taursaus is pretty misleading. Perhaps your next car shouldn't be so fancy.

T said...

I think it's easy for some people to get the impression that certain fields of employment pay might be. I think the people who like to appear weathier then they are contribute the most to misleading others.