Monday, September 15, 2008

on the fringe

Earlier in the week I tried watching Fringe. There was little point. I don't really have time to add another hour-long television show to my schedule, but I figured I had to give it a chance. If I later decided I wanted to watch it, I would be behind rather quickly.

The show is supposed to be a new version of The X-Files, and it really is, but I was amazed at how slowly paced it was. I think this is because it was a longer episode, but I am using this as a reason to avoid watching the show for now. If someone else gets into it and disagrees with my assessment I might give it another chance.

It does not appear that I will be watching any of the new shows this season. I have plenty returning shows which will adequately fill my time, and Fringe was probably the only new show that warranted a try. I also watched Hole in the Wall, but I haven't had any delusions that it would be a show that I would need to regularly tune in to. It is entertaining enough, but watching two episodes that I have already seen is good enough.

One or two of the shows that Golden and I watch have already begun. Almost everything else starts in the last week of September. That gives me a week and a half to get my life in order before the schedule changes once again.

1 comment:

Achtung BB said...

Being an X-Files fan, I tried watching "Fringe" too. I wasn't too impressed because it did see, a little slow. I might try it again.