Thursday, July 24, 2008

odd tastes

There are certain foods that I simply do not like. Of the foods that I do not like, most do not fit into the category of foods that I do not like due to some repressed memory that manifests itself in a gag reflex. Most I genuinely distaste because of the flavor, texture, or some combination of the two. These include most forms of fish, squash, and liver, among other things. Why it is that I naturally don't like the foods while there are people who absolutely crave them, though, I don't know.

Why is it that food tastes are not universal? I like tastes such as coffee, dill pickles, and spinach but many other people do not. In my mind it would make more sense if everyone in the world had roughly the same tastes rather than the wide variety of tastes that exist. I assume that the human tongue and nose are pretty standard in how they operate, so I would think this would lead to stronger standards as to what foods taste good or bad.

I think most people also have foods that they have disliked for psychological reasons at one time or another as well. This makes sense to me. I just do not understand the difference between the physical repulsion and craving that different people can have for the same foods.

If I were somehow transported into someone else's body would I acquire that person's tastes? Do different food flavors taste different to different people? Do certain cravings indicate a lack of specific nutrients?

I have said in the past that I eat because I am hungry rather than for a food experience. This is mostly true, but not completely. There are foods that seem to release more endorphins in me than others, like a Chipotle fajita or one of those miniature chocolate doughnuts. Does everyone have a list of foods that essentially performs the same function?

Now that I have typed this and started thinking about the foods I like, I can't think too clearly. All I can think about is that I'm getting hungry.


GoldenSunrise said...

I wish my parents had made me eat more foods that I claimed I didn't like. I lot of foods that I don't like are because I think that I wouldn't like it, rather from tasting it and realizing that I didn't like it.

Achtung BB said...

Very interesting question. I've never given it much thought. I can't understand why people like mushrooms. Then their is my son who won't try anything new. That's a whole other deal.

Portland wawa said...

When you are pregnant, you crave certain foods for nutritional value supposably. During my first trimester, I always craved meat, specifically red meat. And oatmeal. But the meat can be explained by iron deficiency.

I don't know how your body knows what it needs and then sends the message to your body to crave something. It's a mystery!!

In Jurassic Park, they make the supposition that the dinosaurs forage for plants to make up the amino acid lysine, which their creators denied them, to keep them from breeding unchecked. I think it might be survival of the fittest in that example though, if it even happens in the animal world. Animals that ate that plant lived while the ones who didn't died.

T said...

I do not like coffee, pickles, or spinach.

I do eat a lot more variety now then I did when I was younger. I also find that the more I have to eat out because of schedules etc the more I really just wish I could go home and each a nice home cooked meal with green veggies and a meat! I don't know but I think restaurant food lacks some basic nutrients, even if it's not "fast" food. So maybe I do hunger for some basic nutrients more then the taste?