Wednesday, August 08, 2007

salt and pepper

When I was growing up I was always mistaken for being much younger than I really was. A baby face and smaller size contributed to this misconception. When people found out my real age, they typically responded with a comment that appearing younger is something that I will like when I am older. I always countered this with the belief that I would skip from eighteen to forty overnight.

I got my hair cut yesterday because my hair was looking more like an unmanaged mane than my typical coiffure. As I was watching my hair fall onto the apron in front of me I was reminded of my comments that I would be skipping straight to forty. My hair color is no longer purely black or brown. It is actually approaching a point that can be accurately described as salt and pepper. For some reason, this is much easier to see in the hair trimmed from my head than it is in the mirror.

I have actually known about my gray hairs for a while. This is largely due to the fact that one of Golden's pastimes is to take tweezers to my gray hairs. Sometimes she does this to me without warning in the morning when I am lying in bed.

I don't know how long it will take before I get to a point that I might be called graying, but I do not think it is too far around the corner. If it happens in the next few years, I have the real question of whether I should start dying it. The whole scenario seems stupid to me, but I think my middle thirties is too young to have a head of hair matching Matlock's. Even so, it would be difficult to bring myself to actually buying and using Just for Men.

I have been told in the past that graying or gray hair can look "distinguished," whatever that means, so it may not be a bad thing to let my hair go gray. When I am forty-five and bald I am sure I will reminisce on being thirty-five and gray with some fondness.


Portland wawa said...

If you haven't started losing hair yet, you may not. Male pattern baldness usually starts to manifest itself in the early 20's. But you are a little young to dye. I started dying my hair two years ago at 35.

I know what you mean about people telling you that you would look young forever. I too always looked 5-10 years younger than I was. When BB met me at 26, he thought I was 18. But I think you kind of skip ahead, all of a sudden looking your age. It's not fair really.

shakedust said...

I should have named this post "too young to dye"! I can't believe I missed that.

It's hard for me to tell if I am manifesting baldness already because my individual hairs are thick. I have some concerns that the hair is thinning in a way that isn't easy to notice yet.

GoldenSunrise said...

I don't think your hair is thinning. I also think it will be several years before you get more grey hair. It's up to you when you decide you need "Just for Men" There's no shame in that.

T said...

"It's up to you when you decide you need 'Just for Men'"

Sounds like Golden has already decided that you will decide to use "just for me" it's just a matter of "WHEN" not "IF!"

I like grey hair on men, I think it's cool. Dash is thinning...I wish I he was going grey instead. Bummer.

Achtung BB said...

I hear having kids can cause your hair to fall out. I think if you shave the mustache, that will take about 5 years off you.

shakedust said...

I do want to note something. This is meant as a lighthearted post. Sure, I don't want to go gray (or grey, whatever) in my thirties, but it is not by any means something that weighs heavy on my mind right now.

f o r r e s t said...

I would totally dye if I was going grey.

Guys in their 20's or 30's who have gray hair are totally creepy. You never know what their age is. Because they have gray hair they appear to be in their 40's. It's like that american idol dude. What's that old guy doing on a kid's show? Creepy.

Dash said...

Nothing wrong with having Matlock hair .. just as long as it doesn't come with the matching matlock eyebrows.
