Thursday, August 02, 2007

i had a dream

I dream every night. I know because when I wake in the morning I have a difficult time adjusting with the sudden shock of leaving the dream world and entering the real world. I don't remember most of my dreams, though, and I have no idea why.

If someone were to ask me what I did the previous day, I could probably go through an extended list of things that happened that day. Ask me what I dreamed about last night, though, and I will probably not be able to provide much information.

I have considered writing down my dreams once I woke up so I can get an idea of the themes that show up in my dreams. I haven't cared enough to put a pen and paper next to my bed, however, and I am sure that I won't feel like writing things down in the morning.

One frustrating quirk about my dream world is that it impacts my moods when I wake up. If I have a dream that in some way disturbed my emotions, it can make me more dreary than usual in the morning. It doesn't matter that I don't remember the dream that brought on my melancholy mood, the mood persists.

I am sure this is the case for everyone, but the few dreams I do remember are weird. It has been a long while since I had a dream I still remember. I used to have a lot of dreams about forgetting to attend a class until finals week. That is the only recurring theme that I can recall in my dreams over the last five years.

After I awoke this morning I remembered my topic for the day and so I tried to remember something from my dream. About all I can recall is something about being introduced to several people I never met before who were all dressed up.

What about everyone else? Do you dream? Do you typically remember your dreams? Do you remember what you dreamed about last night?


Achtung BB said...

Not remembering dreams are pretty common. I seldom do. But I have often have the same dream about missing school and then showing up a taking a test I didn't study for. Weird.

GoldenSunrise said...

I think you remembered your dream last night because I woke you up. I had a bad dream last night. I was with a group of people that was held hostage at gun point. He lined us up and asked us questions. He shot some people in the stomach if he didn't like their answers. I was praying to make sure my heart was right with God in case he shot me too. I woke up before he got to me.

T said...

If I don't remember it--I assume I didn't dream. I only have a few that I remember long enough to tell people. I did not dream last night. Often the dreams I wake from I think would make for great movies, so I guess I have "movie dreams."

Dash said...

For maybe the 2nd time ever, I told T about my dream this morning. We were visiting some sort of 1800's themed hotel with a recreated town to walk through based on the era.

I remember that there were several parts that we we disapointed to find too dark to see anything and that after being lost for a wile I kept seeing things from my house on the walls.

Then I was trying to find T and somehow became the town doctor/lawyer that was on trial for killing his wife - but desperate to find her still alive.


My only recurring dream lately has been to relive running into the bumper of T's Mom's new Jeep. I hear that horrible bump sound and see all the red paint. Wakes me up every time.

f o r r e s t said...

Yes, I dream.
Usually, I remember them if I wake up and then go back to sleep and then wake up again. (The snooze period on the alarm.)

My dreams are not bad or scary. They mostly seem adventurous,in a thrilling sort of way. Oftentimes they reflect something that was on my mind the previous day. I had a dream about Ginny Weasly this week.