Wednesday, August 01, 2007

oh my pod

I've gone over to the dark side. Well, at least the shiny silver side.

For my birthday, Golden let me order an iPod Nano. It hasn't arrived yet, but I have spent a lot of time the past couple of days setting up iTunes so that I will be able to get use out of it as soon as I get it. I've subscribed to several podcasts already, downloaded a book on MP3, and imported most of my CDs into iTunes.

For the longest time I have resisted getting an iPod, for largely the same reasons I don't typically go to Starbucks. They are stylish, which isn't really my thing. They are expensive, which makes me think twice. The iPod will chain me for life to iTunes (I guess Starbucks doesn't do this). On the flip side, iPods are also the ubiquitous portable music players, and there is a wide variety of available accessories for them.

It actually feels a little weird getting an Apple product since I have been and am very much a PC kind of guy. In the recent Mac commercials I can associate myself much more with character that represents the PC than with the character that represents the Mac ("I hope he got me a C++ GUI programming guide"). Just because I am getting one device from Apple doesn't mean I am converting to being a Mac user, though. iRefuse.


Portland wawa said...

BB got me one for Valentines day and I never thought I would use it so much! The nano can't compare to BB's ipod, but I still like it. As far as the itunes goes, BB does all that for me. He actually enjoys downloading. I hope you like yours as much as I do.

T said...

Sounds like a fun thing to have! Enjoy! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

I can't wait for you to share it with me!

Achtung BB said...

I think everyone knows how I feel about my ipod--I can't live without it. I don't pay attention to the fact that they are stylish. I just like taking 6,000 songs with me were ever I go. Welcome to club.

Dash said...

Darn - my birthday has already passed, so I can't use the "well ... golden .. got dust one..." argument.

Then again if my ipod ever came within 20 feet of BBs pod, it would have to self-destruct for shear unwortthy-ness.

I'm sure just typing about me owning an ipod is setting of some sort of alarm on Forrest's.

Happy Belated B-day! Sorry for being such an infrequent blogger.

roamingwriter said...

Late bday wishes. I joined the ipod world with less guilt because I bought used. I'm really happy I did though!