Wednesday, December 14, 2005

it's a gift

  • Random Bargain Bin CD: $3.00
  • Musical socks: $9.99
  • Chia pet: $15.99
  • Embroidered sweater: $34.49
  • Gourmet snack basket: $57.95
  • The look on their faces when they open your gift and see that you don't have a clue what they really wanted: Priceless

It seems that a lot of things that people would never spend the money on for themselves are popular purchases come this time of year. Why would a person buy themed boxers if it weren't an act of desperation? There should be a better way of going about this.

The people who have to buy for me must be especially frustrated. Each year I put the same things on my wish list: Some C.S. Lewis book I don't yet have, any book of comics (Dilbert, Far Side, etc) I don't yet have, and any XBox game I don't yet have. I don't know how to make a better list. I don't really look around at what I might want to have at other times of the year because I don't like to be tempted to spend money. When this time of year comes around, I don't know what I want to put on a list.

Golden completed the last of the family gift buying yesterday, so I am happy we won't have to resort to buying musical socks this year. If we forgot anyone, I hope that person likes chia pets.


GoldenSunrise said...

I actually wouldn't mind getting a chia pet. (How embarrassing) I heard there is a Garfield one now.

T said...

cha cha cha chia!

gigi said...

That makes me think of laura...