Wednesday, October 20, 2010

what is masculinity?

This is more a post to collect thoughts than to push them.

Something that I have touched on and that I will come back to in the future is that I believe that the modern Church (or most any generation of the Church) knows what to do with masculinity. This is more of an issue today because there are few masculine exploits left that are not somehow related to a vice. To be associated with the Church today is to take on some level of femininity in the name of virtue.

I have been giving this more thought than usual in the last few weeks and am stumped. Being a man who has grown up in a church culture and never really rebelled I have to admit that at this stage I am not sure what Scriptural masculinity should look like. Ministries that target men always seem to focus on the familial responsibilities that come with being a man, but if that is the complete definition of Scriptural masculinity it is a disappointing one. While not fulfilling those responsibilities could damage my sense of masculinity, fulfilling the roles involved does not make me feel masculine.

Since this has been on my mind, I want to ask what you think the definition of Scriptural masculinity is. I do so with some caution, however. Some trends that I have noticed is that men tend to think masculinity is the ability to do the things they want to do or aspire to do, and women tend to think the definition of masculinity is what they are attracted to in a mate. So, what would Scriptural masculinity look like in today's world and why?

1 comment:

Jason said...

You know, I've pondered this post several times, and every time I can't even come up with a solid answer that's worth posting. So I've come to the conclusion that I too am somewhat vexed by this.