Sunday, May 24, 2009

typhoid baby

This weekend we are getting a good reminder of the value of taking steps to not spread germs. Golden and NJ both caught colds last week from an event that we went to and those have spread to CD and me. I have long believed that a cold was one of the worst things I can catch because I don't really get sick enough to skip things but I do get sick enough to be moderately miserable. The past few days this has been aggravated by NJ having a hard time getting to and staying asleep at night, and now CD going through the same thing.

I think everyone with kids has several stories about the impact of illnesses. It always seems to be a real gamble to take either of the kids anywhere because a significant percentage of the time the kids are in a situation where there might be germs (church nursery, carts at a store, restaurant booster seat, etc) they catch something that works through the family for the next two weeks. This is compounded by the fact that different people have different standards for how sick they or their kids have to be before they don't go to church, or the store, or a restaurant.

So, if we tend to skip a lot of things it is not because we are avoiding everyone. It's because we are trying to avoid everyone's germs.

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