Tuesday, March 29, 2016

what people say about mormons

I have a strange litmus test that I use to determine how tolerant people are of others who are different.  I listen for how they talk about or treat Mormons, or members of the LDS church.

If you are a Conservative and are not Mormon, you are probably a Catholic, Mainline Protestant, or Evangelical Christian who believes that their teachings are heretical.  For my part, I believe their views on the Trinity are heresy.  As a result, there is motivation to speak ill or joke about people who hold that belief.

If you are Liberal, you may or may not be Christian, but you are likely to strongly disagree with the political positions the church has taken over the past few decades.  As a result, there is motivation to speak ill or joke about people who belong to that church.

So, when Mormonism is brought up (very rarely), I perk up to pay attention for how people speak of the people who hold that belief.  Will they talk disparagingly about the people?  Will they withhold judgment on the people, regardless how they feel about the church and it's positions and/or doctrines?  It's edge-of-your-seat suspense!

In related news, I probably need to get out more.

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