Saturday, May 11, 2013

motorcycle accident

I just learned the husband of one of the people who regularly attends our Sunday school class died in a motorcycle accident a few hours ago.  This in itself is sad, but the fact that this man is a father with young children makes it especially sad.  The family is definitely going to need a lot of prayer and encouragement, so please remember them in your prayers.

I know a lot of good dads who ride motorcycles, and I definitely understand the appeal.  They must be a blast to ride because they look fun.  This isn't a judgment on dads who ride motorcycles.  However, I have personally heard of so many situations where dads have died in a bad motorcycle accident and left behind families who needed them. So, I do question the wisdom of dads with young children doing things like biking.  The dangers seem so senseless.  Based on what I am seeing online, I think my opinion is in the minority.

Again, please remember this family in prayer.  There is no way this is going to be anything but difficult.

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