Monday, March 25, 2013

gift selections

I am approaching my ten-year anniversary in my current place of employment.  Where did the time go?  Because of this anniversary I received an email from HR indicating that I can choose an award from a list, which is managed by a vendor, to commemorate the occasion.

Traditionally, companies have given employees watches, and there are some on the list, as well as some jewelry.  Hardly anyone wears watches any more, including me, so I am happy I have a choice of something other than a watch.  I do have some questions about whoever chooses the available options for these prizes, though.  They seem to be targeting a specific type of person.

Apart from jewelry and watches I can choose from golf equipment, a wine cellar, a few electronics options, etc.  My sense is that the items on the list either reflect the tastes of one or two people tasked with selecting items, or that they are meant to be targeted to some upper-middle-class stereotype of a golfer who likes mechanical watches and enjoys the occasional wine.

I am certainly not complaining or attempting to look a gift horse in the mouth.  I'll appreciate the telescope that I selected when I get it.  I especially appreciate what this signifies—that I have had consistent employment for such a long period of time.  I am just intrigued by what the process must have been in selecting items to commemorate that time.

1 comment:

roamingwriter said...

Kerry and I have referred to these as the man Christmas gifts. Golf and do-dah things to set on a desk. I have to wonder if anyone wants them. Some marketing company somewhere decides that these are things people want. My dad had a company take them all to the a specific movie as a reward. It wasn't a movie he wanted to see and we discussed that really it would be nicer to have a gift card to see a movie or the afternoon off. I think the managers feel the time spent together is beneficial. I think time off paid is always a good reward!