Friday, December 09, 2011

ice hotels

 One leftover result of my planning for my summer vacation last year is that I ended up on Trip Advisor's email list.  While this is slightly ridiculous considering how rarely we vacation, I do find a lot of what they send out intriguing, though.

The latest email I received from Trip Advisor hit on something that has always puzzled me.  The theme is, "Incredible ice hotels," and surely enough there are enough ice hotels that eight can be listed, but how is that possible?  I understand that ice and snow structures look cool (pun intended), but it is one thing to tour and appreciate the visual appeal of an ice structure and another to spend the night there.

The hotels are indeed visually stunning, if only because you don't see many buildings made out of ice or snow.  Links to them are below in case you want to take a look.
 I think the appeal is that this is an experience you will not get anywhere else.  It would be something to be able to say that I stayed in an ice/snow hotel once.  When I think of unique vacations, though, I don't think about trying to sleep in a room that must remain below a certain temperature so that my bed does not melt.  It simply does not sound pleasant.

What do you think?  Would the awesomeness of having the experience trump the cold?


roamingwriter said...

I think I'd rather tour one than stay in one though K would like to try it I think. The pictures are amazing and watching the northern lights through a skylight in a snow wall would be an experience to remember.

Jason said...

I would absolutely love to stay in one of those. I would pay a fair amount of money to be able to do so, despite all the cold, as I think it'd be totally worth it. Unfortunately, only one of those is even in this hemisphere, so I don't see it happening any time soon.