Saturday, August 14, 2010


I recently moved from my old office in the interior of the building to an office with an outside view. I have not really stopped to look outside during the day, but I wonder if just having the natural without paying much attention to it makes a health and mood difference. My moods are affected by the weather, so I suspect there's something to that.

For a while I actually wanted to keep my interior office largely due to familiarity and inertia, but on one specific day a few days before I found out that I would be moving I noticed that I felt very out of sorts for most of the day. I could not put my finger on it. I was a bit tired, but no more than typical and I did not feel sick. I suspected at least one factor was the lack of natural light. I have been in the office three years now without a day quite Ike that until now, though, so it could just have been some weird bug.

I would be interested in finding out if a study has been done on people who spend more time in the sun versus people who do not, and whether one group is more healthy than the rest or more happy than the rest when things like level of exercise is controlled. There has got to be something behind that.

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