Saturday, July 25, 2009

decaded out

This Monday I turn thirty. I'm not completely sure how that happened. Somehow, the last five years just blurred by. It was not that long ago that I looked forward to turning a year older, but I am starting to hit the age where I want to put on the breaks a bit. Not too much, but a bit.

When people are in their twenties, even in their late twenties, there is not really much expectation for maturity. I am very comfortable with that low bar. While this birthday is not that huge of a deal for me it does mean that I feel I will be held to a higher standard than I have been.

In looking back over the last ten years I do see how I have significantly changed in that time, but it does not feel like I have ten years of experiences to account for that ten years. I think I viewed the decade as a catch up decade to address the challenges I faced at the beginning of it. Different people take different approaches to what they will do in early adulthood and mine was probably a bit less exciting than most. As long as the economy doesn't destroy my plans, I actually want to find a way to make the next decade more of a fun decade than I planned for the last decade. I apparently reversed the order on how that is supposed to work, but that is just the way situations dictated that it had to go.

For someone who plans a lot, I really do not have a clue what direction life will take in the next decade. Given that, I think it is appropriate to end this post without a real conclusion.

1 comment:

GoldenSunrise said...

You are the most responsible person that I know so you don't have anything to worry about! I hope the next decade is fun for us as well.