Saturday, November 15, 2008

seeking direction

The laptop is a lost cause, so I will be posting from the home PC for a while. I will probably get back on track with posting after the baby is born. I will try to update when it is possible until then.

I don't like stopping to ask for directions. I know it is very cliche, but in my case that stereotype is true. I will stop and ask for directions if I have to, but I have to have come to the point where it is a necessity. I do not know whether most women understand why a lot of men will not stop to ask for directions, so that is what I am going discuss in this post.

Men, and I have to use myself as an example, generally do not like to admit to weakness. I doubt the reason for this is much deeper than that men do not want to feel weak, either physically or intellectually, but this tendency runs deep. Boys who run to their mothers when things are bad are called sissies (or much worse). Girls aren't. I know of one situation that illustrated this for me where one guy was teased mercilessly when he sent an email to his department (composed entirely of men) saying he was taking a sick day because he was "feeling weak." I was not that guy.

When a man stops and asks for directions he is admitting that he has a glaring weakness. He is so incapable of finding his way that he has to bow to someone else's superior sense of direction. It may sound crazy to most women and some of the less stereotypical men, but this really is the rationalization involved. Admitting you are lost can be the same as admitting that you are a failure in this area of your life.

I actually take this to a further level. Today as we were in the grocery store Golden got a free sample of some food. I found a way to walk around the display unnoticed. I have a very difficult time accepting even a sample of food for free. This is because I feel like I am putting myself in the position of accepting a handout, and that gives me the feeling that I am somehow not providing for myself. Again, this may sound crazy, but it doesn't make it any less true. I can pay for my food, thank you very much.


roamingwriter said...

On the technology, I hear you - I can't update my website and everyone says it's someone else's fault. The repair company moved and didn't tell me so I have to get equipment from somewhere in's just really irritating that nothing is just straight forward.

I've always thought guys didn't want to admit they didn't know something so they didn't want to ask directions. In Spain, things are hard to find so people constantly stop and ask. SOmetimes the directions are go up here, turn there and then ask someone else to show you the street...

Achtung BB said...

I know what you mean about asking directions. I hate doing it but also because I usually forget what I've heard.
On another note, I don't mind free samples. In fact that is what used to look forward to at Sam's Club.