Wednesday, February 04, 2015

boring silver corolla

I destroyed the engine in my car a few weeks ago.  I don't know all of the details, but somehow oil was not getting to all parts of the engine, and so I burned it up one morning on the way to work.  Due to this, I had to purchase a car fairly quickly so that we would not have to deal with the complications of being a one-car family for too long.

My thinking was that I wanted an affordable car that would last a long time and get decent gas mileage, so I found a low-mileage Toyota Corolla, and now that is what I drive to work.  It's exactly what I was looking for-a practical means to get to the office-but I have been going through a bit of a grieving process because I don't like having car payment.  That is not what this is about, though.

When I got this car it was not due to flash.  While a modern Corolla is not an ugly car, a Toyota will never excite anyone. That point was driven home while I was watching the following advertisement during the Super Bowl.

I also found the following commercial in looking for the first commercial.

The silver car in this ad is essentially the one I just bought.  Talk about timing.

Honestly, I prefer to drive an unassuming vehicle rather than a flashy one, and I'm happily married, so commercial doesn't bother me.  Also, I know that much of the difference is in the vehicle colors, but I prefer the silver to the red as well, so that says something about me. The type of man who drives a red pickup is not me. So, while I didn't really take it personally, I did let out a, "Hey now!" when re-watching the, "leave him to be with him," part of the commercial.

What can I say, though.  My priorities are boring.

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