Saturday, July 09, 2011

holocaust stories

We are going through The Hiding Place in our Sunday morning class at church right now. It is a very powerful and well-thought-out book, and so it is a good choice. I don't think I am the intended audience, though. This got me to thinking about who is the audience for a story about the Holocaust.

Several people close to me have gone through periods where they were strongly interested in the Holocaust. I have no intent of invalidating that interest, but I do not personally understand it. My reaction to these sorts of stories is due to the fact that it is sadness and loss piled onto more sadness and loss. Even when the story has a happy ending I feel exhausted by that point. I do have to admit that there are some sad stories I am drawn to. Holocaust stories are simply not among them.

I don't want to imply that my perspective on this is the one that is the most valid, though. If you have an interest in Holocaust stories or think you may have some insight into their draw leave a comment. I'd love to get a fresh perspective.


roamingwriter said...

I avoid books and movies that are known to be sad, a la Nicholas Sparks, but i do have a fascination with survival stories oe overcoming adversity. But i still can't commit to something long like a book. Articles work for that. I think one thing about the holocaust that keeps people revisiting it is the question of how could that happen? How many people ha to go along to get along to make this happen?

T said...

Uh, hem....not to go there, but it might be an age thing? The people I know that have had an interest in the holocaust are usually 40 and over. I think (now that I'm nearing 40) I see my parents point, some things change in you when you get older.

Yes it is saddness and loss and that is difficult to move past, but when the story ends on a happier note, then it gives hope to desperate situations. It gives a glimmer of what can be, instead of what is a particular moment. But I don't think I would have seen that side of it 5 or 10 years ago. I think I would only have seen the saddness and loss.

Maybe it is just MY age ...not "an age" thing? :)

shakedust said...

I should note that the book has spoken to me more than I expected. The themes of trusting God and forgiveness are amazing. Only God could make me anywhere near as good as Corrie's sister Betsie was.