Sunday, January 02, 2011

julie and julia?

Netflix has a section in their site called "Top picks for..." where it lists ten movies, TV series, or whatever that you might like based on your ratings for other movies and recent movies that you have added to your queue or rated. When I visited this section in my Netflix page tonight noticed that Julie & Julia is listed. That makes no sense. I am the first to admit that there are "chick flicks" that I like more than Golden does (What Women Want, Hitch, and Little Black Book to name a few), but those movies all have things that a standard genre piece doesn't have. What Women Want is appealing because I appreciated the insight it brought, Hitch was genuinely funny, and Little Black Book dared to break the standard formula for how a rom-com should end. Julia & Julia, though? What could possibly be in that movie that I would find appealing? This is especially odd because I have been impressed lately with how accurate Netflix is in predicting movies that I would like compared to Blockbuster.

I double-checked the filmography for the director, the genres that the movie is listed under, and the movie description, and there is nothing there that should appeal to me in any way. No offense to those who like the movie. It just doesn't sound like my thing. To be fair, the rest of the recommended movies are more up my alley (three comedies, three sci-fis, two animated, and a psychological thriller), so it's probably a simple miss.

I said all that to ask a simple question. Have you ever been recommended a movie (either through electronic or interpersonal means) that in no way matched the sort of movie you would be interested in? I'm not really asking about a movie you didn't like but you normally like the genre. I mean there was no possibility you would have ever liked the movie because you don't even like the genre. Did it impact the way you thought about that person or electronic system?

1 comment:

roamingwriter said...

I too am intrigued by these systems and I'm very skeptical. That said people and otherwise I've often seen movies I thought I would not like but in the end I did.

I wonder if Julie & Julia came from a different direction. It is actually based on a true story of a blogger -- not so much a chick flick, so maybe you've watched something "true" that somehow flagged it.

Also the chick flicks you named I would say were closer to middle of the road comedies than pure chick flicks (Sleepless in Seattle type stuff). At least from a chick's perspective! ha!