Saturday, September 11, 2010


This past week NJ went to preschool for the first time, and I should probably make a note of it here. Unlike what one might expect, I am not overly concerned with the academics that the preschool offers or really that the elementary schools that NJ and CD will attend offer. I have just always assumed that academic strengths are determined more at home than in the classroom, so as long as the basics are covered in school we can assure that the kids are where they should be academically.

I figure that NJ will benefit most from the social interaction that preschool offers. Also, I am interested in insight as to whether we should hold NJ back a year in school since his birthday is in July. Again, I am not thinking in terms of academics because he will do fine academically, but there social advantages for boys to being held back largely tied to physical size.

When CD gets to be preschool age we will probably put her in for her own enjoyment more than anything else. She is easily the most social person in our family and she is not even two yet. I know that girls bring with them their own set of issues, but I have confidence that she will do fine socially.

When I was a kid I did not go to preschool, but my sister did. She has always been more social than I have been, so perhaps preschool played a role in how that played out. If so, maybe NJ and CD will be able to teach their dad a thing or two once they get through preschool.

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