Thursday, July 29, 2010

making time

It has been a while since I have posted an update. As might be assumed, this has been due to everything going on in my life. This is a bit odd, though, because it is not like I have more happening now that I did a few months ago. I am out of school now and few of my regular TV shows have been on. We did take a large vacation earlier this month and I have played on our new Wii some this summer, but that cannot account for the general lack of time. Somehow we're nearly into August and I feel like it should still be early June.

I have spent some effort recently trying to determine what really is a priority for my time. There are so many things that I want to fill my time with that I am having trouble dropping things. So, I decided to open this up to reader input. How do you prioritize the time that you do have? What sorts of things do you drop from your schedule when there is not room for everything?


T said...

I think I need more time to respond to this

shakedust said...


roamingwriter said...

I wish I knew. I have trouble judging enough _____
fill in the blank. Did I spend enough time on that project? Enough editing, enough hobbies, enough energy on that or this. I did use a system last year that helped - it was based on a book w/ a 4 list system.
action list, project list, someday, maybe list, and a phone list (calls)
I've lost the system right now.

Unknown said...

I think the future has the ultimate win on prioritizing. Had the same problems, now am trying to get through the painful (for others) moments of saying that I acctually don't want to continue in that direction. Because I don't see my projection in the future doing the things I do today. Hard decisions anyway :)