Tuesday, April 06, 2010

friendship alarm

This is very quick and to the point. For multiple reasons I have realized recently that I am not all that great at reading people. I'll spare the details, but if you care to know just ask. This problem is something that I am going to need to work on going forward, but because I know that I will work on it. All of that said, I do know when someone is a good match for friendship with me specifically.

Reading people is one thing, but I do have an internal alarm that goes off around certain people that makes me believe I wouldn't be able to be very good friends with them. I'd bet that pretty much everyone has that alarm. For me, that alarm mostly has to do with how genuine you are and how willing you are to accept me for who I really am. My friendship is really not that difficult to get, but you may have trouble getting my time. What is your alarm? How hard or easy is it for any random person to become your friend?


roamingwriter said...

I have sometimes felt guilty for the instinct in me that says- "avoid this person." It is often someone who is, for me, challenging socially. You know how every environment seems to have that person who is just too much, or too awkward or too perfect? Kerry has such a great heart for having compassion for challenging people. I need more of that.

T said...

Roaming...I am so challenged socially...I guess it's a good thing Kerry has compassion for me! :) lol

Dust...My "eh, not so much" is when they are really into sports. I don't know how to connect, didn't play much growing up, don't watch them now. If they can talk about other things...I'm good.

Funny thing, we just saw a tv show the other night that the couple were all "we're family now, you have to stay for dinner", and super hyper and over eager with a couple that went to their house for the first time. I told Chad "You know that's how people view us...creepy!" :)

roamingwriter said...

ha! No, you aren't in the socially challenged category I mean. If there is someone who a. talks not at all or b. doesn't stop talking about odd things, Kerry is usually talking to them! ha.

I know I talk a lot, but when I meet my match - someone who talks nonstop about themselves and doesn't ask you a question or invite you in to the conversation; that's usually a sign for me that we're probably not gonna be bosom buddies.