Saturday, March 20, 2010

stopping to smell

I am a goal-oriented person. I am not someone who looks forward to stopping and smelling the roses. This is good for some areas of life and bad for others, as is most any personality quirk.

As I have been in school for what feels like a lifetime (neither NJ nor CD were even born yet when I started), every single semester has seen me with a narrow-minded focus of just making it to the end. Once I get to the end of a semester I usually have a few days of feeling real good about being done with the semester, then I get into a routine and don't appreciate the reduced responsibilities.

This coming week starts the second half of my last semester, so I am officially focused on surviving through the first week in May. That is not necessarily good because I have other things in my life that are more important than school, even in my last semester.

While I think that God gives us certain traits for a reason, I think that I need to learn how to appreciate living in the process more rather than only having a single-minded focus on reaching the end of the process. I need to stop and smell the roses, or whatever it is that I am supposed to smell on my journey. This probably makes more sense in other things I do in life besides education, but that is where it is relevant now. So, for the next month-and-a-half I will be making an effort to stop and smell the pencils. There aren't any roses in most classrooms.

1 comment:

roamingwriter said...

I get tunnel focus on endings and goals and miss life too. I've been challenged this year to notice SOMETHING each day that is positive or good or pleasant. Some days are a stretch...