Friday, August 31, 2007

white after labor day

I pick on fashion quite a bit. This post isn't really going to be any different, but I thought that I would at least acknowledge it.

If you want to wear white clothing you'd better work it into your wardrobe in the next three days. Why? Who knows? Someone somewhere decided that white should only be worn in the summer, and no one challenged it.

Don't get me wrong. It doesn't really impact me, so I barely care. I still have to wonder at the insanity of it all. Why don't women stick it to tradition en masse and wear white throughout the year? Why must they let someone else tell them what to wear? Why not let this be the winter of discontent?


roamingwriter said...

This used to be more of an issue when I was younger. Now I let the weather dictate. The no white shoes after labor day rule I still hear in my head. But if it's 90 or 100, I'll keep on. Maybe not if it was a formal party or something like that... then in the cold months there's "winter white" commonly known as cream. Come to think of it I have white shirts I wear in winter too...

T said...

I use to hear this rule, but I think it's more acceptable now then when we were younger. Now days with all the various culture styles, I think white's the least of some peoples worries! :)

shakedust said...

So, people have already stuck it to tradition? Good. Carry on. :)

Shows what I know.

f o r r e s t said...

Doesn't this just pertain to female fashion like sundress and shoes? And it probably has more to do with the design of the fabric and the weather or the dirtiness of rain and snow in the equinonal and winter months than somebody making a fashion rule. Maybe there was a function behind it.