Monday, August 20, 2007

back to school, again

Tonight is my first night back to class this semester, which can only mean one thing. Today is Dust's semi-annual "gripe about the upcoming semester" post.

It does not feel like summer break should be over. It took me a couple of years to get used to not going to school in autumn. So, now that I am going to school, it is a little surreal. I feel like I should be too old to be on a school schedule, but I am obviously not.

Since I took nine credit hours last semester and used up my educational reimbursement allotment at work for the year, I am only taking two classes this semester. They are both concentrated at the beginning of the semester, so I actually will be done with classes for the year in early October. I am very happy about this, because I am seriously not in a school mindset at the moment.

Both of my classes have required reading before the first class, but the class I am attending tonight also requires that I hand in two write-ups of segments of the required reading tonight. This would only be mildly annoying if it weren't for the fact that I think the requirements for the paper conflict. I am supposed to write a good summary of the material that includes opinions about elements of the material, and each of the write-ups is supposed to be one page. Am I supposed to err on the side of quality or quantity? It is impossible to know with no knowledge about the instructor. At least I have a 50/50 shot.


Achtung BB said...

I could only imagine how difficult it would be to go back to a school schedule.

f o r r e s t said...

You are so lucky. I wish I was taking a few classes right now. Oh well, I guess I'll have to read something on my own for continuing Ed. Happy learning.

Portland wawa said...

I like being in school, learning things is always cool, but thinking about the time committment now that I am married with children, no way. But you aren't that way, right?
Happy semester.

GoldenSunrise said...

Hope your class went well. Good Luck!

T said...

Hope all went well. Sounds like you need Quantity and Quality! :)

roamingwriter said...

I find the first assigment for a new prof or editor to be nerve racking because you don't know what they really want at first. You'll have it down pat in a week or two. Just think you'll be done before all the good weather is gone!