Tuesday, September 30, 2008

competing with facebook

Throughout the past couple of years this blog has gone through a few droughts and surges in readership. Right now is kind of a drought. The reason is different than for past droughts, though. I blame the recent slowness on Facebook.

I figure that if most people are like me, they have their websites that they regularly visit, and they rarely go outside those sites. Occasionally a website will get added to the list, but that usually means another gets visited less frequently. Since a lot of people are checking Facebook more frequently, that has reduced some of traffic to mine and a few other of the blogs.

I am kind of in a quandry with this. I could link to my blog through Facebook and send notifications about new posts there. This is something that Dash has been dabbling with. I feel weird about sharing this blog with potentially anyone I may have been mildly acquainted with at any point in my life, though. I went into this in a little more detail a couple of years ago. I have been very purposeful in who I have alerted to this site simply because I want to be able to let my guard down a bit. I definitely would have to go through and review what I have already posted before opening the floodgates like that, because I am sure there are things that I might not have said in the same way in some of my worlds.

For now I have no intention of changing things up. Even with the current situation, I have enough readers to justify adding new content. I will continue posting and won't push this site out to more people than my comfort will allow. I'm open to new ideas for the site, though.


GoldenSunrise said...

I usually forget to check blogs. I at least remember to look at them once a week.

Anonymous said...

I'm a blurker. I don't post much, but I check your blog and Golden's blog pretty faithfully.

T said...

Yup, I know what you mean. I do still read, but because I'm reading more I comment less. That and with where I'm at in my life right now, I genuinely have less to say right now.

Btw, Here's a website question for you...are there any good website templates out there? I keep pushing the church's website off because I'm running in circles. The pastor and I can not find a template that we're happy with. We want basically something like blogger that I can use on our domain name and that will not have advertisements or links automatically on it. What do you think? Is that possible?

Achtung BB said...

I'm still with you Dust. I have to admit, that I'm on Facebook far more than the blogs. I still want to keep blogging, even if nobody reads them. I guess it's like keeping a journal. You can go back and revisit it if you are feeling like a trip down memory land.

shakedust said...

T, I don't work too much with templates, but I can look around. Would you be the one who would have to set up and maintain this?

T said...

Yep. That's why I'm looking for a template! Any suggestions you can give me is appreciated. Thanks D!