Saturday, October 14, 2006

metro or not

The argument of the week at work was what counts as metrosexual. Does appearing very stylistic count? Does a person have to care a lot about grooming?

The reason for these questions is that some believe that Ty Pennington of Extreme Makeover counts as a metro. I and at least one other person I work with do not believe so. Others have pointed out that choice in hair and clothing styles are ample evidence of Ty's metroness, but I think that appearances shouldn't count if there is a chance that someone else made the fashion choices. There was also some dispute over whether Ty makes his own fashion choices.

Anyway, this is an issue that has been far from resolved. Does anyone else have input?


T said...

Ty appears (from what I've seen on the show) to be a nice guy, but I don't think there's enough data to know if he's metro. I agree with you, someone else could be helping him with wardrobe. He doesn't comment about what a person is wearing or hairstyles of other people. He uses tools, can you be metro and use tools!? :):)

Anonymous said...

Metro is so old news and not very fashionable right now. The new thing is the ubersexual and this is where I believe that Ty would fit in. Being uber being a man's man with sensativities to different cultures, politics, art, travel, etc. Being metro was all about making one self look good, but being uber is about bettering oneself by caring more for others. I think this is where Ty fits in; he can look good, but he can sure swing a hammer.

uber-sexual look it up.

f o r r e s t said...

The above comment is from me, when I posted the comment it didn't allow me to enter my to sign on.

But anyway that is funny because I haven't heard the word metro in like 3 years and no one really uses the word uber- I just read an article about it.

windarkwingod said...

In Spain, every guy of every age uses hair product and cologne. Of course, they may have the original metro or uber-sexual: the matador!

roamingwriter said...

I think underground trains, when I think Metro. I think Dar is right about the guys over here. They tend to be flash.